Why does my induction range make a humming sound?

Do you have a range or cooktop with induction burners? Have you heard a humming noise coming from it while you’re cooking? In this presentation, the angry appliance repair person reveals the cause of this humming noise. He’ll also explain what you can do to eliminate the problem.

What’s the difference between convection and regular bake?

Have you ever baked a casserole using the convection setting on your oven, thinking it would bake faster? Were you disappointed when it didn’t cook evenly the whole way through? Watch this presentation from the angry appliance repair person to learn the difference between convection and regular bake, and how what you’re baking is affected by which method you choose.

What’s the difference between self clean and steam clean?

With changing energy regulations, you may be seeing more ovens with a steam clean option instead of self clean. Watch this presentation from the angry appliance repair person to find out the pros and cons of each, and how to get the best results when using these features.

Why doesn’t my new oven broil as well as my old one?

Whether your oven is electric or gas, watch this presentation from the angry appliance repair person to better understand how broiling works in newer ovens. He’ll clue you in as to why you may be experiencing uneven broiling and what you can do to get better results.

Why won’t these stains come off my electric cooktop?

Learn about what causes staining on smooth electric cooktops and how to prevent it. The angry appliance repair person provides tips for selecting the correct size and type of cookware, as well as what features to look for and what to avoid when choosing cookware to use with your smooth top range.

My vent hood is running, so why does my kitchen stink?

It’s happened to many of us. While cooking something on the stove, you get distracted and it burns. Or maybe you’ve cooked something smelly like fish for dinner. You flip the switch to turn on your vent hood, but the smells or excess steam from whatever you’re cooking just won’t go away. Watch this presentation from the angry appliance repair person to learn about the factors affecting how well your vent hood works, and steps you can take to make sure it’s working as best as it can.

Why won’t my gas grill burners light?

Whether your gas grill is a free-standing model or a built-in unit, this presentation from the angry appliance repair person will provide you with information on how it works. If you’re having trouble with one or more of the burners when you light the grill, you’ll also find out in this presentation what may be causing the problem and whether there are steps you can take to solve it yourself or if it may be an issue that requires calling a repair person to take a look at it.

What’s this microwave rack for?

If you own an over-the-range microwave that came with a cooking rack and you’re not sure how to use it, just watch this presentation from the angry appliance repair person and find out. He’ll explain how it should be used, and just as importantly, how NOT to use it.

Why is my oven temperature off?

If you bake from scratch often, and recently purchased a new oven after using an older model for many years, you may have had some disappointing results. In this presentation, the angry appliance repair person explains what “preheat” means in new ovens, how it affects your baking, and what to do for better results.